Sorry I haven’t been posting for quite some time I had some health issues to address. I’m on the mend and eager to write regularly here. I love this website!
I’ve seen a few movies on Amazon Prime Video — hope you’re signed up — if not, you probably have your reasons . . . I’m not so much into sci fi or horror — I’m more of a mystery solving type, yet some of the paranormal hinges on the sci fi and even horror categories == like time travel — could what we’ve experienced be a long lost loved one caught between two realms? It’s an interesting concept that I can’t deny . . . nor confirm . . .
Some movies can capture our attention — get us thinking about other possibilities — or just be entertaining.
Amazon Prime offers so very much — it is definitely worth subscribing. You can try it out for 30 days!! That’s an offer I find difficult to refuse . . . How about you?
I love shopping online — free delivery is excellent!! And I’m enjoying the videos with my prime membership — There is probably more that I haven’t used, but there are benefits for you to explore and decide what is important to you and your family.
Just click the banner to the right and you’ll be all set. It’s quick, easy and secure.

Didn’t want to end this blog without giving you something to enjoy. Art Bell is no longer with us, but some of his radio programs are — it’s great to turn off the lights and listen … all snuggled up in a warm blanket . . . Art had some interesting guests on his program — topics we like to ponder and explore.
Let me know if you’ve signed up for Prime or already have it. Also tell me about any good movies you’ve seen lately — paranormal or otherwise.
Thanks for stopping by!
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