How Often Have You Had A Dream Come True?
Most of us would answer never or rarely or maybe once and tell you about it — hopefully, they would want to share. Seriously . . . when you think of “a dream come true” it’s something good, excellent, outstanding, wonderful . . . Like meeting that special someone or getting the ideal job or that promotion . . . All good things . . . But what about our creepy dreams — or nightmares . . .

All Right, I Was At My Local Coffee Shop — You Probably Think I Hang Out There All The Time . . .
Well, not all the time . . . Just when I want to meet interesting people . . . And my ghost hunting friends . . . I have to get a life. Wait! I have a life . . . I’m a blogger!!
Joan was at the coffee shop. She had a story to tell . . . about a dream she had . . . And how she followed up on it . . .
This happened a few weeks ago. Joan had a dream that she was moving into her newly purchased home with her husband and three children. It’s important to know that Joan and her husband had no intention of buying another home and moving.
The House Was A Beautiful Victorian-Style Home Joan Had Dreamed Of Someday Owning
In her dream, Joan took a break and went to sit outside on the balcony of the master suite. She was talking with a woman with long blond hair . . . Yet Joan was aware that the woman wasn’t real — she was a spirit. They were having a lovely conversation, until Joan mentioned she was moving in with her husband and children. The woman/spirit became angry and started throwing things . . . Joan screamed back at the woman to stop throwing things and to get out of her house!! She then woke up!
A few nights later, Joan dreamed of the house again. It was on a hill overlooking a lake. She walked down the hill to the boat dock where she saw her husband and children getting onto a boat. She wondered why they didn’t wait for her . . . Or why she didn’t know they were planning to go on a boat ride . . . She was so startled when she saw the spirit with the long blond hair get on the boat with her family that she woke up . . .
Joan was upset by the dreams . . . She told her husband about them . . . He told her that he was up for a promotion that meant they would have to move. He checked out some of the neighborhoods and schools for the children and thought they would take a look before he gave his boss an answer about the promotion.
She decided to check out the area without her husband. She loaded her children into the minivan and set out on a little road trip.
Joan found the neighborhood her husband had mentioned. They drove by the schools the children would be attending . . . and then she saw it . . . The Victorian house of her dreams . . . and in her dream . . . and in the window . . . she saw the woman with the long blond hair . . . Joan felt ill.
She stopped at a local diner, called her husband . . . He had some bad news for her. The boss hired someone else for the promotion . . . Joan was so relieved . . . but she had to share her husband’s disappointment . . .
Was this a premonition . . . deja vu . . . or just a freaky dream? I got chills . . .
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