Good And Evil

Good And Evil

What’s Your View On Witchcraft? With just about everything, if we look hard enough we’ll see the good and the evil in most things. It could be a self-fulfilled prophesy to find what we’re seeking. I collect true paranormal stories from a variety of...
The Most Brilliant Light I’ve Ever Seen

The Most Brilliant Light I’ve Ever Seen

A Supernatural Experience Story We met Elizabeth at our local coffee shop. I was having my favorite blueberry muffin with my cup of coffee when this young woman came over, introduced herself, and said she had a supernatural experience to tell. My friend Barb was much...
Not Feeling Safe In My Own Home

Not Feeling Safe In My Own Home

Not All Paranormal Activity Has To Be Frightening And Earth Shattering . . . Very often there are simple explanations . . . although annoying until we find out the cause. This one was fairly simple, no real need to conduct a formal paranormal investigation, but when...
Chilling Tales On A Rainy Night

Chilling Tales On A Rainy Night

All Hollows Eve Is Definitely In The Air . . . One of my favorite Halloween stories is The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I remember reading it when I was younger . . . much younger and wondering what really happened to him . . . Yes, the Headless Horseman got him . . . Or...
Is Anybody There?

Is Anybody There?

Do You Ever Get That Uneasy Creepy Feeling That You’re Being Watched? Sometimes you will hear something outside and look out . . . most of the time no one is there and once in a while someone is walking a dog and has stopped. This person may be looking towards...