This Is An Excellent Time Of Year To Get Into The Halloween Spirit . . .
Abandoned places are always creepy to go into and explore whether they have a reputation of being haunted or not . . .
And . . . you get a group of college kids together on Halloween Night . . . rigging up the old hospital with some Halloween props to scare each other . . . Does this sound like . . . fun . . . or asking for trouble . . .
Starring Trish Coren, Rachel Harland, Jilon VanOver and others. Directed by Anthony C, Ferrante.
Let’s take a look at the trailer before I tell you more about BOO . . .
I Do Enjoy Scary Movies With A Plot And A Bit Of A Mystery To Figure Out
There are plenty of creepy scenes in this movie . . . I believe it is well done. Not just creepy stuff happening at every turn with horror dripping blood and guts and crawly things . . . Yes, there is that, but it is well done in my opinion. And as the whole story of the hospital unravels and is revealed, you understand and have an appreciation of what took place there . . .
And, of course, all the college students have their own “story” so to speak . . . one in particular is somewhat haunted by her mother’s death . . . but she is the only clear-thinking one of the group . . . in my opinion . . .
There are flashbacks of how the hospital was — the third floor — Ward J — and what happened there . . .
There are so very many abandoned hospitals with wards for the mentally insane . . . We usually hear of the mistreatment of these patients with experimental drugs and shock therapy techniques . . . and perhaps worse treatment . . . but that is not necessarily part of this movie which I appreciated . . .
Once everything is made clear-er . . . the focus is upon one particular patient and the nurse . . .
Just Wanted To Share One Of My Favorite Halloween-Type Pictures . . . Love The Ghost . . . And The Cauldron . . .
In the beginning of the movie, there is a bit of a telephone tag type of interlude . . . Then a trick-or-treater comes to the door . . . And the lead character is carving a pumpkin . . . All the wonderful treats of Halloween . . . So I thought I’d add a ghost and a cauldron . . .

I’m Truly Looking Forward To Some Good Halloween Themed Or Scary Movies During This October . . .
Here at we focus on true ghost stories, the paranormal and everything that fits into that category . . . I do apologize for dropping the ball. I built a new website which has taken a lot of my time . . . And, probably more importantly, I was writing a post about the creepy feeling I was getting in my house . . . The doorbell rang, but no one was there . . . There were noises coming from my kitchen and the silverware drawer fell out and crashed to the floor . . . And in my front bedroom where I used to work on my blogs . . . is now quite creepy . . . my precious Yorkshire Terrier was afraid to go in there . . . and lately so have I . . .
Well, since all of this was happening in my house and to me . . . Originally, I thought it would be a good ghost story . . . But . . . This is my home . . . And I truly got creeped out . . .
And scared . . .
I do need to distance myself from my fear in order to finish that post . . . It may not seem as bad as I imagined it to be while I was living it . . .
This truly gave me perspective on some of the ghost hunting videos I’ve seen where people will post stuff that doesn’t seem frightening or even creepy at all . . . It would feel entirely different if you were on that abandoned road or haunted setting . . . every sound or change in the air would trigger something within you . . .
I do try to have an open mind when it comes to the personal experiences of others or movies . . . In movies they can create the atmosphere they want their audience to feel . . . Some do an excellent job . . . others not as well . . . Boo I believe is tastefully done . . . I would recommend you take a look at it . . .
I Do Thank You For Stopping By!
I hope you check out Boo and also will leave me a comment about your favorite movies for Halloween or of all time . . .
Since I do get off-topic quite a bit in my blog posts . . . I decided I’d take this opportunity to share something I found interesting.
I belong to an Internet Marketing Group and in my Bio, I tell a story about my haunted mirror . . . It’s just who I am, how I live . . . I collect antiques . . . My house is haunted . . . I have haunted items in my house . . . Some people are open to the paranormal . . . others not so much . . . but I did receive a comment from a woman who said she believed in ghosts and used to go ghost hunting . . . and she’s seriously thinking about getting back into it because she realizes how much she misses it . . .
We do make choices everyday . . . usually for our family or due to personal circumstances in our lives . . . It is nice to have choices and decide what is best for you and your family from time to time . . . And to be able to do something that is important to you . . .
And . . . that was a message that came through to me from this movie . . . See for yourself . . . You may receive a completely different message . . .
Until next time . . .
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