I Remember One Halloween Evening After All The Trick-or-Treaters Returned Home…

I decided to take my dogs for a walk around the neighborhood. It was a bit creepy … I could hear the echo of my foot steps…A breeze would move some dry leaves, sending them scurrying down the sidewalk … 

My dogs were happily sniffing their path where minutes before, costumed children walked … 

The neighborhood was deserted … it was creepy … I felt as though I was being watched … I knew it was only my imagination getting the best of me … But it was Halloween …

Have a listen to some Real Scary Halloween Stories …

Scary Stories


We’re Into Autumn …

Thoughts of scary, creepy people and pumpkins and costumes … And all kinds of scary stuff comes to mind …

I’m wondering if at the party store if that could have been a ghost … or in the apple orchard … Autumn does bring out the weirdos … It’s good to be aware and alert … 

Be safe!!


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