Matt’s Dark Hooded Robed Figures In The Night . . .
In the stillness of the night, Matt’s childhood memories come alive, blending the echoes of time with whispered tales. Growing up in a quaint mobile home park in South Sacramento, CA, his young eyes would witness a mysterious dance of dark-robed figures. They were only visible to him under the blanket of darkness, their presence was unveiled through the mellifluous hum that resonated in his ears, growing louder as they drew nearer. These enigmatic beings stood tall at six feet, draped in long robes with concealed faces, save for their mesmerizing eyes. Their gaze, unlike any human eyes, shone with an otherworldly brilliance, captivating yet unnerving.

Frozen with fear, Matt couldn’t move or utter a sound as two of them graced his presence, arms outstretched, by his bedroom door. For four years, their visits persisted, etching indelible imprints upon his young mind. Though time has passed, and his parents have settled in a new home, the memory of those dark figures remains vivid, akin to an ancient melody beckoning from afar.

I’ve seen hooded figures gathering and chanting. I’ve never seen their faces or looked into their eyes. I was just unnerved by their presence gathering in front of my house and then moving through my side yard and into the back. Years ago, this was a wooded area — a nice quiet secluded place for such a gathering.
This Is More Common Than People May Think

We Had Quite A Lively Discussion At My Local Coffee Shop — Others Had Hooded Figure Stories To Tell
As a child of eight, Pete experienced a series of unsettling encounters that left him feeling vulnerable and perplexed. One particular incident stands out vividly in his memory – a boy on the stairs who seemed like a negative photograph, an eerie presence that lingered for months. The nights were filled with whispered chanting, as if someone were reading strange books while standing ominously around Pete’s bed, clad in browny red robes with hoods obscuring their faces. These inexplicable occurrences shaped Pete’s perception of the world and ignited his curiosity to explore the unknown.
Rachael experienced the same, she woke up and saw the figure standing in the doorway of her room… It just continued down the hall. She has no idea why, but she got out of bed and tried to follow it. Rachael walked and looked but saw nothing… She started back to her room and had a weird feeling, like she was being watched… When Rachael turned around there it was, towering over her… This dark hooded robed mass. No hands, feet, face or eyes. She was terrified, so scared she couldn’t move or breathe. Then, suddenly she just felt calm and peaceful. and heard in the calmest voice “go back, I will get you when it’s time”. Rachael went back to bed and slept well. She has never seen that thing again… And she is so puzzled by it.
Rachael’s story really creeped me out — how about you? Sounded like the grim reaper to me . . . just saying . . . Are You Ready For Another?
In the depths of that moonlit night, a haunting encounter forever etched in Robin’s memory unfolded. As she lay in the darkness, her young eyes adjusting, an overwhelming sense of dread washed over her The room felt heavy with an eerie presence. And then, he appeared – a figure draped in a black cloak, his face illuminated by the moon’s gentle glow. Brown hair cascading over his shoulders, a hawk-like nose, and piercing black eyes that penetrated her very soul. A silent observer, his intentions remained shrouded in a realm beyond Robin’s comprehension. Time stood still as their gaze locked, an unfathomable connection. Desperation urged her to block him out, and she squeezed her eyes shut, yet still aware of his lingering presence. Seeking refuge beneath the covers, Robin buried herself, feeling as though she was suffocating, until the moment of release.
When she dared to open her eyes, he had vanished, but the specter of that encounter lingered, casting an ethereal shadow over her life. The words “monster” and “devil” held little solace, dismissed as the imaginings of a child by her mother. But within Robin, a lasting unease remained, his presence never truly dissipating.
That was intense!! Robin was quite young when she first had this experience — that uneasy feeling has remained with her for 40 years! And, of course, since then she has lived in different places and now with a family of her own . . . and that entity has remained with her . . .
Well . . . this is definitely something to think about and share with your like-minded friends and family members . . . I do thank you for stopping by! Please leave me a comment about these true paranormal experiences — maybe even share one of your own.
Until next time,
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