Do You Ever Get That Uneasy Creepy Feeling That You’re Being Watched?
Sometimes you will hear something outside and look out . . . most of the time no one is there and once in a while someone is walking a dog and has stopped. This person may be looking towards your house, but it is doubtful they’re trying to peer into your windows. They’re just an innocent by-stander with their dog . . .
I had the experience just yesterday when my doorbell rang. I answered the door . . . No one was there on the porch or in the yard or on the sidewalk in front of my house . . . I closed the door and went back to work on my blog when the doorbell rang again . . . I got up, opened the door . . . nothing . . .
I decided if the doorbell rang again, I’d ignore it. Either someone was having fun at my expense or something was wrong with my doorbell . . .
Then it started . . . that creepy uneasy feeling that I was being watched . . . I looked up to see my antique mirror on the wall — it’s old and warped, but I could make out my image with another behind me, just off to one side . . . I saw it shift and almost fell out of my chair in my haste to get up . . . turn around and take a closer look . . .
I felt this rush of cold air come at me and knock me off my feet!
To be honest with you, I think I startled this ghost as much as he startled me and in his haste to get away he ran into me!
It felt like I was hit with a solid block of ice. This happened to me once before in my hallway a few years ago. I don’t know what the deal is. They’re the ghost and we’re solid mass . . . They should be able to avoid us! Unless the ghost thought I was a ghost . . .
It took awhile for me to get warm after getting up from the floor — it should have been refreshing on a warm August day, but it was just too cold to have a ghost run through you.
I knew he was still around, lurking . . . and watching me . . . I had no idea why he was there or what he wanted . . .
I heard the banging of cabinet doors in the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen to see my silverware drawer open, it was pulled out all the way and crashed to the floor . . .
I Remember Yelling For Him To Get Out!!
I did have the peace of mind to get out of the kitchen doorway . . . There was a cold breeze that went past me . . .
Everything was calm . . . and that uneasy, creepy “being watched” feeling disappeared.
I have no idea who this ghost was or why he decided to dump a drawer on the floor, but sometimes spirits get in a wrong house or just want to mess with you . . . because they can.
I went back into the living after cleaning up the mess in the kitchen and resumed my work.
Off and on during the day, I could hear noises coming from my front bedroom which I use as an office. I heard papers ruffling and the closet door sliding . . .

It’s extremely unsettling when paranormal activities are happening in your own home. Yes, I’m used to it . . . but there is a limit to what I prefer to tolerate.
That front bedroom used to be my favorite room in the house . . . But things changed . . . Now, I go in there only when it is absolutely necessary. It does have a bit of a history — in the 1960s a kid had to be rushed to the hospital from a drug overdose. His spirit was hanging out in the room, writing on the walls . . . Eventually, we came to an agreement and he moved on . . . Now I have something else . . .
I’ll Need To Get Back To You On This — Some Investigation Is Necessary
I’m not too excited by the idea of having a team of investigators going through my house, but I do know what is going on is beyond what I can handle on my own.
In the past, I did have a portal issue that I thought I resolved, but with having various maintenance workers doing stuff in and around and under the house something could have been dislodged . . .
This will be continued . . .
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