The Paranormal is fascinating . . . yet the Whispers Estate is not a place I’d go to and get the wits scared out of me . . . Good grief!! People have been scratched, pushed down stairs . . . However, I believe this is a beautiful old house with lovely woodwork and turn of the century grandeur . . .
It’s Truly Sad When A Child Dies . . .
Rachel’s tragic death — lit candle on the Christmas tree — open bottle of ether. . . Interesting how only the parlor was damaged . . . It would seem the whole house would have gone up in flames . . .
There have been other haunted places where children interact . . . it is quite sad how these children aren’t rescued and brought into “the light” . . .
Heavy Foot Steps, Levitation, Apparitions, Orbs . . .
There are lots of things that “go bump in the night” . . .
It seems the spirits or ghosts are a bit tired of all the investigations . . . They make their presence known . . . . but it never seems to be enough to satisfy the investigators . . . I believe if I were trapped in that house, I’d just want to be left alone . . . Not asked to do things to let the living know I was there. It would be great to be able to have a conversation with such spirits — to understand why they are there and whether they want to leave and go into “the light.”
Well . . . this was interesting . . . Hope you enjoyed it.
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