I Was Rolling My House Trash Barrel Down The Driveway To The Curb In Front Of My House …

It was all very still and quiet except for the rumbling sound coming from the wheels of my barrel … There was a light brisk breeze that gave me a bit of a chill … but it’s fall and after eleven at night.

A few neighbors had porch lights on and one still had their orange Halloween lights lit … It was a bit creepy the way the splash of orange light danced across the sidewalk in front of me ..

The orange lights seemed to draw me to the cult-de-sac in the middle of the block … All was quiet except for the echo of my footsteps … I stayed on my side of the street, walking to look down the cult-de-sac … I saw nothing … I heard nothing … But I felt chilled — goose bumps forming on my arms and the hair on the back of my neck standing up …

Was this a warning of danger … Or my overactive imagination?

All was still … almost too quiet … 

I’ve never claimed to be all that brave … I didn’t bring my EMF Meter, Spirit Box or even a camera with me … I was wheeling the trash out … 

What was I doing? What was I hoping to find?

What was I missing? What was I supposed to see? 

I did hear my garage door closing … I raced home just in time to wedge a community newspaper to block the sensor and raise the garage door … 

That was truly scary and creepy for me … The thought of being locked out of my house all night … 

I don’t know what trick was being played on me … Was it a poltergeist … or a ghost having some fun?

And, if there is a lesson to be learned, never go outside without your house keys …

That Was A Creepy Experience For Me … One I Didn’t Plan On Having …

But it may be worthwhile to share a ghost hunting adventure …

Fortunately, when I returned inside my house I wasn’t greeted by such activity shown in the video …

Is This Poltergeist Activity?

I Wonder About Such Paranormal Activity …

I’ve had drawers pulled out … cupboard doors opening and closing … water running … lights turning on and off …

This seemed to be a bit over the top … 

What gets me is that these entities have their “fun”, but we, the living have to clean up their mess …

Thanks for stopping by! Please leave a comment … I’d love to hear about your own paranormal experiences. You can contact me: admin@cryptkickers.com


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