I’ve Been Having My Own Marathon Of Watching Dead Files Episodes

What truly amazes me is that we can tell spirits to leave … We need to be very direct and firm and positive about it … And they will leave.

I had an experience that I initially thought was interesting and a bit fascinating … 

I had scented pinecones in a container next to my fireplace. Occasionally they would shift … when a large truck would go by … Or with the settling of the house … 

But this one day they went flying through the air. I did think I had something in my house that wanted to get my attention. These pinecones were being thrown at me … I must have ticked it off in some way … I tried to communite with it … and the pinecones kept flying …

I became angry when it was targeting my dog … This is when I told it that it had to leave and was not welcome in my home … The pinecones kept flying … I yelled Get Out!! 

I waited … all was calm … My little dog was scared … she wasn’t used to hearing me yell … All was calm and I’ve had no more trouble with flying pinecones or anything else being thrown at me …


I Do Admire Those Who Investigate Haunted Locations

In many cases they do put their lives on the line … Yes, it is their choice … They are showing us evidence of the paranormal … There is evidence of something more than just what we can see with our own eyes …

There are some things that we’re very fortunate we can’t see with our own eyes … I believe there is ome scary stuff out there … 

Cry Baby Bridge Investigation


I Really Don’t Like Haunted Locations Where Children Have Been Harmed

But this is one of those locations with a whole lot of activity … Screams … Crying … Talking … Footsteps …

I find I hear whispers and strange sounds out in my own backyard … Or when I put my trash barrels out … Sometimes it is the echo of the wheels on the barrel … it can be quite eerie and gets me running back to my house … locking the doors …

I found this video interesting due to the variety of activity … It’s strange how the car would start without the key … 

Carrying around a haunted jack in the box is a bit creepy, too … But all spirits aren’t all bad …

I hope you enjoyed this post … Maybe you have a story of your own you’d like to share … Leave me a comment below.


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