Wny Put Yourself In Harm’s Way?

Years ago I saw this movie about ZoZo. Prior to that I’d never heard of that entity. For all I knew it could have all been made up for the film … or it was an urban legend … or a whole lotta bunk.

Jody Dean of Hunting The Dead always likes to escallate a bit … To get to the truth … To give us an interesting experience … To scare the wits out of us?

I believe much of this is about unravelling the mystery of the paranormal realm … But … I believe Jody went a bit too far here … Watch the video and decide for yourself …

Oh My Goodness!!


We’ve Been Warned Countless Times About The Ouija Board … But ..

There is a fascination with the thing … 

Even though it has been years since I watched the ZoZo movie … I’m still a bit haunted by it … How this entity took over a lovely and talented young woman to ruin her life and not allow her to fulfill her dreams …

It could all be fiction … but I do believe there is some truth to some legends … and the warnings about opening portals and dabbling into the occult …

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