I Believe In Ghosts!

How much of what we see on documentaries is actual footage and not enhanced in some way to make it appear to be something more than a shadow or something ordinary . . . . I can get creeped out by seeing things in the shadows — sometimes my imagination can go on overdrive  . . . and many times people play pranks on one another , , , not something I enjoy when there is a serious investigation going on . . . and not something I would want to mess with when the paranormal is at play .. . There is just too much we do not know or are not meant to know.

There are plenty of haunted places where it is probably best to stay far far away from — but there are many who are curious and those who are brave enough to go to such places and set up cameras to share with live feeds to allow others an experience of a lifetime . . . With having a Ouija Board session and a Seance . . . very popular and very dangerous . . . Yet they claim to be professionals and know what they’re doing and end up opening themselves up to something they have no idea what they attracted to them nor how to get rid of it . . .  I suppose too often one gets caught up in the moment — the thrill of the unknown or learning something profound . . . By throwing caution to the wind makes us weak not powerful or worthy of learning something so awsome, unique, or monumental . . .

Is The Paranormal To Be Explored?

Watching Paranormal Investigations can be quite boring at times with absolutely nothing happening . . . or if you happen to see something, you immediately think it was a trick of the eye or our imagination. We want to experiece something paranormal and at the same time don’t . . . I believe in ghosts and I believe there are things we may experience and see for ourselves that we have difficulty wrapping our minds around . . .

In The Majority Of Cases We Are Not Seeking Out The Paranormal — It Finds Us . . .

With most paranormal activities, we would love to have it validated by video footage or another person who experienced it . . . is that for us or to prove something? We know when we hear footsteps or see that a water tap is turned on or a door opens or closes . . . We know that feeling of being watched . . . or when a section of the room becomes freezing cold . . . We can scare ourselves . . . or there could actually be something doing on . . .

The thing that got me with The Blackwell Ghost is how truly low-key it is — there’s a creepy backstory about a former resident who killed children . . . I find that disturbing and unsettling — anything to do with the harming of innocent children — I was surprised there wasn’t evidence of children playing or running around — maybe they crossed over and their nightmare is over , , , but the concept is haunting … There are other installments that I’ll wait for on Prime Video — yet the price is quite reasonable . . . I just don’t know if I care enough about this story to invest more of my time.

Of the documentaries I watched, I felt The Blackwell Ghost was the most authentic — it was low-budget and not a whole lot is shown, but it is real enough and paranormal — I don’t need things flying around and causing chaos. I’m fine with little oddities — things moved, doors opening, apliances and water taps being turned on . . . That’s enough. It was creepy — you really believed something was there . . . waiting and watching . . .

Fortunately, The Blackwell Ghost had no clown masks — those do creep me out! But I’ve been creeped out by debris left behind an abandoned building . . . everything seems to have a story to tell — it is all a matter of what we’re ready to hear and understand . . . 

You may prefer things a bit more creepy than I do — I’m sure there are plenty of movies out during this spooky season to entertain you . . .

Thanks for stopping by!


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